Lacking a consistently objective methodology for the study of non-verbal communication, the field of Behavioral Psychology was forced to rely upon researchers’ subjective judgments of facial expressions and bodily gestures until Dr. Hunt discovered the neuromuscular innervation patterns foundational to the non-verbal communication of individuals and cultures. She established the neuromuscular patterns of anxiety and anger, when the only physiological research of emotions was chemical and behavioral (reported at the International Conference of World Health Organizations, United Nations).
Postulating that human bioenergy fields oscillate at significantly higher frequencies than EKG or EEG machines were designed to measure, Dr. Hunt developed a high frequency instrument which records the bioelectrical energy that emanates from the body’s surface. She proved that energy radiating from the body’s atoms give frequencies 1000 times faster than any other known electrical activity of the body.
Using fractal mathematics Dr. Hunt’s energy field data produced the first dramatic chaos patterns ever found in human biological systems. Her research is continuing to uncover the dynamic transactions between humans and their environment that elucidate human behaviors, emotions, health, illness and disease.